Thursday, February 19, 2009

Quine II

Back in October I posted about Bob Quine, I posted four excerpts from some film soundtrack music he did in the months before he died (I think the recordings were done in Jan-March, 2004). I promised I'd eventually post the rest of these home recordings so here they are: Film Music: Two Film Music: Three Film Music: Four Film Music: Five Film Music: Six Film Music: Eight for parts One, Seven and Nine see the October posting under Quine.


  1. FANTASTIC stuff!

    Thanks, Hound!

    BTW, I'm reading the Richard Yates bio. Another brilliant guy who got some, but not nearly enough, attention.

  2. I'm reading the Richard Yates bio. Another brilliant guy who got some, but not nearly enough, attention.

    yeah, but aren't Leo D. and Katie W. the worst possible choices for R.R.?
    Man,that flick was awful, I hope people read the book and forget it ever existed.

  3. The book will live - the movie will be forgotten before the credits have even finished rolling.

  4. "yeah, but aren't Leo D. and Katie W. the worst possible choices for R.R.?"

    Honestly, I gotta say, "I don't know." I ain't seen RR, and have no plans to. I do plan to re-read RR, however.

  5. Do you think?

    Parasite JAP!!

  6. King U's boys will track 'em down....they're some mean pollacks...

  7. "Honestly, I gotta say, "I don't know." I ain't seen RR, and have no plans to. I do plan to re-read RR, however"

    I only saw it cuz the wife's in the Screen Writer's Guild and they (the studio) sent it in the mail (so she could vote in the awards), I would have never left the house to see a movie w/Kate Winslet in it....
    Boy what a crappy bunch of movies this year, the Wrestler was good, Slumdog was okay the rest blew.
    I did finally see Gommorah which I liked, and I can reccomend a Swedish vampire flick called Choose The Right One which I really liked.

  8. Thanks a lot for this Quine rarities!

  9. Well, god damn. Thank you -- never even knew these existed.

  10. Try the Hound's Podcast. Saves my sanity daily.
