Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ron Asheton 2

As details emerge over the tragic death of the Stooges' Ron Asheton I thought I'd post these pictures, taken by my wife Gillian McCain around 1994 at Ron's house in Ann Arbor. That's probably the chair he died in. Notice the hand grenade on the table behind him. I'm not sure what type of gun that is. Since his passing his sister Kathy has had police posted outside the house (which is the house all three Ashetons grew up in, Ron, brother Scott aka Rock Action (here's an unissued Stooges tune circa '74 that bears his name); the Stooges drummer and sister Kathy). Evidently people have been attempting to remove his guitars, including his personal roadie (who was probably just trying to move them to a safe place, but who knows?). Anyway,I thought some of you would like these pix while I work on the next couple of blog subjects, I got a bit behind this week after being sick and then throwing my back out. Check back for something really special in a day or so.


  1. Ji Jim, sorry to hear about Ron. I know he was one of your favourite guitarists. I was at a show in the early 90s in NYC(I think you would have been there?) when he was hot on the wah wah pedal. By the way, I just finished the Cosa Nostra book you recommended by John Dickie. Excellent read, txs.

  2. Cool pics!

    He could one of my mountainbilly neighbors, right down to the grenade, pistol and camo pants.

    My favorite part of "Please Kill Me" was The Stooges stuff. Just unbelievable.

    I guess it makes sense that the first punk rock band would be the best punk rock band.

  3. hey jimbo-- first off, it is way cool that you are posting again....i still love reading your opinions, musings, rants and all.....besides i tend to agree with you 9 out of 10 times... this is a sad one. ya know, the first Dictators gig ever was opening for those fact, it was the first time i had ever played my guitar in front of people i didn't know by their 1st name....7,000 of 'em....i subsequently met Ron....

  4. ...a few times, and, well i hope this isn't a disappointment to his fans but he was a total sweetheart of a guy, friendly, happy, and seemingly not the slightest bit bitter of the Ig's success without, he als struck up a friendship with the great Larry Fine, whom he found living in an old age home near Ann Arbor.....that band changed my life & at least 5 of his riffs were among the very first ones i ever learned...

  5. so, i just wanna add my name to those who will miss him, his enormous contribution to rock'n'roll (the good kind), and am gonna play nothing but Stooges records for the next few days......thanx for the great piece on him.......also, thanx for sharing your comedy records with us, too.....onward and upward

  6. The above was written by Scott "Top Ten" Kempner, who first band the Dictators were probably the first or maybe second Stooges' influenced band to record (Dictators Go Girl Crazy, 1975), Norton's just issued some amazing demos from the Dics as Everyday Is Saturday which you should own as it's the only way to get such classics as Fireman's Friend and Backseat Boogie.

  7. Amazing stuff on this blog. I'd like your thoughts on the dictators. I think they sound better now than ever.

  8. This is, to echo the crowd, a sad passing. However, it's not tragic, as the last few years of Ron's life saw him back with the band he started, playing their elemental rock and roll music that was laughted at and scorned it its day, but which cannot be denied in retrospect as among the greatest music ever produced with electric instruments. Not only did Ron finally get to play for the rapturous crowds the Stooges always deserved, but he got to enjoy the revival of his own reputation, acknowledged in his lifetime as one of rock's masters.

    I want to remind everyone that, although the COMPLETE FUNHOUSE SESSIONS is no longer available on cd--sadly, when I had the opportunity to purchase the boxed set, I passed on it--but it is available from iTunes. I bought it a year ago and it is a testament to the power and skill and work ethic of the Stooges.

    While it's a tad wearing to listen to a dozen takes of the same song one after another, put the songs on shuffle play and the listener will find not one duff track. With every take the Stooges give it their all and I wouldn't want to ever be without access to every note recorded from these sessions.

  9. Actually it's here.

    Jim, feel free to delete this if this get's you in trouble

  10. right, if Ron complains it's gone.....
    I already have the Funhouse box, but the OJ thing was new to me!

  11. Ugh! What kind of scumbag would try and steal Ron's guitars?

    One of my favorite Stooges songs is "She Creatures of the Hollywood Hills." One of Ron's few songwriting credits from the Raw Power and after era.

  12. > Ugh! What kind of scumbag would try and steal Ron's guitars?

    His girlfriend, apparently.

  13. This is "The girlfriend" here.

    Hey "Barman", FUCK YOU!

    You are not here and have NO idea of what went on.
    "Found in a chair"? FUCK YOU again!
    I found him.
    Have some respect you damn scumbag!
    My lawyer will be in touch due to slander and to find out your "source". Don't tell me, gee I already guessed what fame-whore it is.
