Saturday, October 24, 2009

Who Killed Teddy Bear (1965)

Starring Sal Mineo and Juliet Prowse, Joseph Cates' Who Killed Teddy Bear (1965) is one of he creepiest and most peculiar movies ever made. A rumination on voyeurism, repressed homosexuality, and fetishism (among other things), it's one of Sal Mineo's most ambitious and telling roles. It includes some truly sleazy, atmospheric location shots of 42nd Street in it's transitional state from the Great White Way into the sleaze pit it would become by the early 70's. Today the Duece looks like a mall in Peoria. Who Killed Teddy Bear was written by Arnold Drake who wrote and produced The Flesh Eaters (1964). Who Killed Teddy Bear is available as a U.K. only DVD (so if your machine only plays USA region DVD's you're shit out of luck), you can always go to TCM's website and suggest it (you need to register first). Meanwhile these clips will give you an idea about what an incredible and twisted endeavor this specimen of cinema, Who Killed Teddy Bear, is.


  1. God that guitar solo on the second clip down is AWESOME! Almost sounds like an early Jimmy Page from his studio days. Anybody know?
    Juliet Prowse is smokin hot. Thanks for the info and clips. I gotta write TCM and request it.

  2. I love this. I saw it at the Cinema Village on 13th street at a theater filled with queens who hollered when Mineo stripped down to his tighty bathing suit. Very prototype Travis Bickle. I always wonder the perspective of someone flipping channels and watching this with no idea of what is about to unfold.

  3. ". I always wonder the perspective of someone flipping channels and watching this with no idea of what is about to unfold."

    I don't ever remember it turning up on TV, although nowadays stuff like Last Tango In Paris and Pink Flamingos show up regularly on late night TCM, IFC and Sundance, so if we all go to the TCM website and request it, it just might get into regular rotation.

  4. Hey Buddy,
    In the book about Frank Sinatra that was written by his butler, Frank was very entertained that Juliet Prowse was shaved, "down there".

  5. "Hey Buddy,
    In the book about Frank Sinatra that was written by his butler, Frank was very entertained that Juliet Prowse was shaved, "down there".

    I believe you're referring to the book Mr. S by George Jacobs, great book, last time I was at the Strand Book Store (B'way & 12th St) they had a pile of 'em for $5.
    Ava Gardner and Joe Kennedy especially make good cameos.

  6. "I saw it at the Cinema Village on 13th street at a theater filled with queens who hollered when Mineo stripped down to his tighty bathing suit."

    I miss NYC, at least what NYC was.

  7. "I miss NYC, at least what NYC was."

    So do we all, not least those of us who still live here.

  8. I gotta read that George Jacobs book. He's the one who nicknamed Ava Gardner "The Man."

  9. KTLA Channel 5 in L.A. used to run this on "Movies Till Dawn" in the late 70's & early 80's. I was one of those people flipping through the channels at 3AM when I discovered it. Definitely one of the most unusual movies I'd ever seen, it absolutely defied classification and remains on my short list of greatest cult movies of all time. The disquieting weirdness keeps coming at you, interspersed with really swingin' go-go dance sequences. This needs proper DVD treatment now!
