Saturday, June 12, 2010

My New Favorite Blog- Another Nickel In The Machine

Lord Haw Haw: British Nazi, hung in 1946
Nowhere in the western world are regular folks treated quite so shabbily by the "system" as in the U.K.. No air conditioning on the tube, everything is expensive and cheaply made, high rents, etc. No wonder they all get drunk and beat the shit out of each other every night at closing time. And with the new Torry led colaliton I would imagine things are going to get worse within weeks. That said, I love London, just like I love other cities like New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam, New Orleans, Rome, and Paris. It's one of my favorite places in the world, and I've never had less than a great time there. Recently, I stumbled onto this London-centric blog: Another Nickel In The Machine and I must say, it's one of the finest ways to waste your time on the Internet you'll ever find. From the Stones' in prison to the execution of Lord Haw-Haw, the author, whose name seems to be only "London Is My Beat" provides incredibly well researched and well written posts that are better than anything you'll find in any modern magazine. You can spend hours reading and looking at video and photos, many quite rare, from the real dirt on the young Bowie to 50's dyke bars to Colin Wilson, it's a great read. Give it a click.


  1. Thank you for your kind comments about ANITM. Much obliged. Rob

  2. I checked it out - for about 3 hours solid. Fantastic blog.

  3. "Thank you for your kind comments about ANITM. Much obliged. Rob"

    You're more than welcome, at least we now know your first name! Do you do any other writing? Any books out? It would seem to me that you're too good a writer not to have some published work out there, which I'd love to read.

  4. No I've got nothing published, really busy at the moment but in the late summer I will start writing again and I'll try and get a London book published. Your comments help give me confidence. Basically just write what I think will interest me. I've nearly finished a post about Miss World in 1970 and the Angry Brigade. Nearly there. Thanks again. Rob

  5. ANITM is indeed a cool blog. Check out diamondgeezer for another great and often funny (especially if you live here) London blog.

    BTW, I know it's cool to have a poke at us eccentric old Brits, but your opening paragraph neglects to mention that the UK invented a social care and health system for the 'regular folks' which means that care is free for all, regardless of income status. Obama, keep trying, son! :)

  6. "your opening paragraph neglects to mention that the UK invented a social care and health system for the 'regular folks' which means that care is free for all, regardless of income status."

    The Soviet Union beat you (the U.K.) to it by decades, and I never heard of a Lakota medicine man taking money for his services. That said, the U.S. medical system is so corrupt that it's bred such mistrust folks are simply afraid of a terrible situation getting worse, and are easily misled by such media institutions as Murdoch's Fox News, etc. As someone with a chronic health problem, believe me, it's enough to make you want to go postal.

  7. Thanks for the tip, Hound. What a smashing blog! I think i'll use Lord Haw Haw as my name if I ever become a pro wrestling manager.
