Saturday, July 2, 2011

Brian Jones

Montreal, 65. Brian speaks up.
Brian and Anita.
Meeting the fans.
Dressed To Kill.
Pulling A Nanker.
Ruby Tuesday, with recorder, '67.
Lady Jane, dulcimer, same show as above.
A better use of the recorder.
At The Mellotron.
With Gibson Firebird, Where Is That Guitar Today?
                                     Brian Today.

If You Can Get Past The Commercial There's Some Great Early Color Footage Here.

Brian co-wrote this one, better than anything they'd done in decades.

I don't have much to add to what I had to say about Brian Jones (Lewis Brian Hopkins Jones, born February 28, 1942, died July 3, 1969) two years ago on the fortieth anniversary of his death. But I guess I still miss him.  In his best selling auto-hagiography Life, Keith Richards' downplays Brian's contributions at every chance he gets, even crediting the formation of the Rolling Stones to Ian Stewart.  Brian is still getting the shit end of the stick after all this time. Well, at least he never looked as goofy as Ron Wood, who could have taken at least a few fashion tips from Brian.  It's forty two years since Brian's death and I'm still saying my goodbyes.


  1. Hound - Its FORTY two years. In some ways I wish it were thirty two, but hey...thats life.

  2. "auto-hagiography." That's good.

  3. "Hound - Its FORTY two years."

    Dough! I lost a decade some where...

  4. I just saw your tribute to Kelly Keller. She worked in the record store above The Boot by Tulane in the mid-80's didn't she?
    I think I played her something my "band" came up with and she gave me a blurb.
    Great person!
    Sorry to hear she passed away so long ago.

  5. I'm pretty sure Ron Wood wears a wig.

  6. What's up with the Nazi shit??

  7. Is it not a "nanker"? As in Nanker Phelge?

  8. To bum out squares named Rube.

  9. "Is it not a "nanker"? As in Nanker Phelge?"

    umm, yes, that was a typo....

  10. That's ok Jim, we're used to your typo's, mistakes, screw ups etc...
    That's a part of your charm.


  11. In the Montreal video interview Keith makes no effort to hide his peevishness with the "square" interviewer. Brian seems quite friendly and sincere, and surprisingly voluble, not radiating condescension or boredom as some of the others do.

  12. Of course Ron Wood wears a wig but even if he didn't he couldn't touch Brian by a mile, teenage Russian waitress girlfriends or not.

    That pic of Brian in natty pinstripes greeting fans is him coming out of court, I think! Now that's style.

  13. Hound any good books on Brian Jones you can recommend?

  14. "Hound any good books on Brian Jones you can recommend?"

    Not specifically on Brian, the best Stones book is Stanley Booth's True Adventures of the Rolling Stones which is mostly about the first post Brian US tour ('69) but cuts back to early times in places.

  15. Oh, lay off poor Ron Wood. Dye and all, that IS his hair, much to Keith's jealousy.

  16. I still miss him too Hound. I will never ever forget the night I first saw him (Jacksonville 1965). He played Little Red Rooster and my life was changed forever.

  17. Cool pics and a great video clip of them being interviewed. I love how even back then Charlie, the straight one, always seemed zonked out of his head!!

  18. Great int. Man I feel bad for that interviewer, zzzzz. A nice reminder that the Stones were once kids in their early-20s, attitude and all.

  19. It can't really have success, I consider like this.

  20. Oh my god, there's a great deal of useful material in this post!

  21. Pour guy he was an awesome musician, why he died so young..
