Friday, July 29, 2011

Gillian's Found Photo #65

Here's another from the Fang that reminds me of Hubert Selby's classic Last Exit To Brooklyn. Date and place unknown.
The guy on the left is all about the eyebrows, the drag queen on the right, well it's hard to say. S/he certainly spend some time on her hair, or is that a wig?
Perhaps s/he's a friend of Esquerita (who towards the end of his days worked NYC in drag doing biz as Fabulash), or Bobby Marchan.  Hell, until a few months ago I assumed Lady Ga Ga was man in drag.
All of which has nothing to do with our picture.  I wish I could think of a caption.


  1. Chap on the right looks like Jimmy Pursey’s dad in which case he’s got some explaining to do.

  2. How many people are in the photo? Is that a third person between the two in white? Is that an ear just behind the hair of the one with the purse?

  3. Definately a third person there. But the important question is why is the guy on the right (our left) with the massive eyebrows sticking his tongue partly out on his left hand side?

  4. " Is that a third person between the two in white? "

    Yes, there's a big guy in black behind them.

    " why is the guy on the right (our left) with the massive eyebrows sticking his tongue partly out on his left hand side?"

    That's how he sweats.

  5. There's some serious anxiety in this pic.

  6. Massive nostril open opening too, does the guy with the big eyebrows have his tongue out? If so it makes the photo triply odd.

  7. The room seems strange. It doesn't seem like a house (ceiling is too high, taking into account the angle of the photographer to front two) or a public community center/banquet room/bar given the light fixture and (not the least expensive available)paneling. Has a rich person's not main residence who knows what goes on there look to it.

  8. The drag queen reminds me of Grace Zabriskie.That's her fur coat, and obviously John ain't happy at being caught on camera with his date. Probably in a cabin, in the Poconos or upstate.

  9. I can't get past that dude's eyebrows, except to admire his belt buckle. And why is his shirt only tucked in above the belt buckle, then puffed up? Is the big guy in the back wearing a cape? Is Johnny Eyebrows holding his schlong? This one freaks me out Hound, I'll get back to you on it.

  10. That photo looks old already. Their looks are old ways as well.

    Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Online

  11. "Probably in a cabin, in the Poconos or upstate."

    Remsen, NY, just down the road apiece. C'mon up! I'll introduce ya!

  12. He looks a bit like Country singer Wynn Stewart.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. OK Hound, I got yer caption right here:

    "The stories you've heard are most certainly true. Come find out for yourself at the Lakeside Lounge!"

  15. Definitely zombies getting ready to hit the town for a bit of dinner and plodding about.

  16. Those eyebrows are so funny, very good photo.
