Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gillian's Found Photo #62

This little minx knows how to get a man....good records. There's the second Elvis album, Jackie Wilson,
Patti Page (how much is that doggie in the window....?), and a pile of unidentifiable 78's except the black, gold and white Specialty label at the top of the pile, my bet is that one is Little Richard, although it could be Willie Joe and his Unitar, or Don & Dewey singing Justine. Hell, that just may be Justine herself! Well before my mind runs away with me, I'll just say this week's Found Photo may be one of the Fang's finest moments.


The Dalai said...

Jackie Wilson ? Or could it be Johnny Mathis ?

The Dalai said...

Sorry, forgot to say killer photo. Of course.

Krystyna Olsiewicz said...

Is that a transistor radio on the bed too?

Ding Dong said...

Definitely Johnny Mathis So wonderful Lp I hate to say I know that,I don't like him but have sorted through alot of records I didn't want to find the ones I did want!But hey she does have the E's first Lp

fred said...

She is only 4 and a half LPs tall!

Patolds said...

Hound, how did your womens get the nickname Fang?

The Hound said...

"how did your womens get the nickname Fang?"

By having a Fang.

Joe Bonomo said...

A great one. How this ended up discarded is beyond me. I'm guessing a religious conversion on the part of the gal.

For anyone who hasn't seen, here's my take on Fifty Fotos Found:

Anonymous said...

Is that a deck of cards or a pack of cigarettes below the Johnny Mathis record?

Donna Lethal said...

A pack of condoms.

skylolo99 said...

She looks like she's laying in air conditioned comfort. You can almost feel the air. Nice.

B.M. Jackson said...

Only thing missing is my big 10 inch!

Donna Lethal said...

It does have a motel room feel.

Johnny Pierre said...

I like the pic...she woulda fit in just right back at The Bells.

Anonymous said...

Just a guess: This is the first (or so) of a series of photos. The subsequent pix are more and more ...

The Hound said...

"This is the first (or so) of a series of photos. The subsequent pix are more and more ..."

Stay tuned to find out....

best pharmacy said...

Thanks for sharing , I have been reading about it because I like the music of Elvis and Jackie Wilson!

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Let's Hear It For The Orchestra
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