Me and Quine were standin' out in front of CBGB's one night, around 1980, smoking cigarettes, catching a breeze, shootin' the shit when an old black wino came stumbling out of the Palace Hotel next door. He was dressed in a ragged sharkskin suit, wore a battered, Lester Young style pork pie hat, and he had the mouthpiece of a sax hanging from a cord around his neck. He stuck a dirty, calloused hand out---
"Yo, young blood, lemme hold a dollar". "
Yo, professor, lemme hold a dollar". His eyes were milky red, his lips were cracked. "
I used to play with Bird".
Me- "
You played with Bird?" "
Yeah, man" he replied. "
I played with Bird. I played with Trane too..Bird and Trane....Thunderbird and Night Train! Ahhahahaha". I gave him a dollar.
This memory was sparked by an entry a few days ago on the
Blues For Redboy blog, one of my favorites. Red Boy had posted the Casual-Aires version of
(What's The Word)Thunderbird (Brunswick) along with a record I've never heard before, and now want very much--
Thunderbird Twist by the Thunderbirds on the Delta label, from here in NYC, year unknown to me. Great record, I hope you agree. And I hope Redboy doesn't mind my borrowing his copy for my blog (feel free to lift anything from this blog for your page, R.B.). There's a lot of good versions of Thunderbird, and a lot of good songs called Thunderbird that ain't the (What's The Word) Thunderbird tune that sparked the ignition in my brain that led to this blogeration.
For those who don't know, Thunderbird is a fortified wine much preferred by degenerates and alcoholics everywhere. I drank a lot of this shit hanging out at the Seminole reservation next to where I grew up in Florida when I was a teen. My liver still hurts from it....well, my liver hurts because I have hepatitis C and cirrhosis, but the memory of Thunderbird, and Night Train (see the October posting
All Aboard....The Night Train) and Mad Dog 20/20 bring back memories of
some truly foul hangovers. These wines are created for one reason-- fast inebriation, and they have been celebrated in song for just that reason. Shall we proceed to the vinyl?
My favorite version of
Thunder Bird is by Hal Paige & the Whalers, a fine New York based R&B stomping outfit who recorded excellent sides for Atlantic and Fury as well as this one on the Bronx based J&S label (which originally issued Johnnie & Joe's Over The Mountain, Across The Sea before Chess picked it up). It's a raw, crude, fast paced rocker with the classic lines-- "
what's the word?/thunderbird, where do you cop?/ beauty shop, what's the price?/ cut it twice" giving it cross audience appeal (alkies
and dope fiends). It was covered on Mercury by tenor sax honkin' man Red Prysock, retitled
What's The Word? Thunderbird! The label dates it to Oct. 11, 1957.
The same tune shows up again, missing the dope references on the Roselawn label by the Thunder Rocks, this time titled
What's The Word in version that is pure guitar rock'n'roll.
West coast guitar great Rene Hall cut a tune called
Thunderbird for Specialty that is a completely different song, but still a great record. That's Plas Johnson on the tenor sax and Earl Palmer beating out the drums. Hall is one of the most under rated guitarists (and arrangers) in rock'n'roll history and is a subject I will get around to writing about one of these days.
Blues man Little Walter Jacobs knew from shitty wine, it killed him at age 32, and he too used the
Thunder Bird title for one of his greatest Checker sides. It was the b-side of his second biggest hit-- My Babe, and it's classic Little Walter all the way with his saxophone like tone soaring over Fred Below's always propulsive drumming. That's Robert Jr. Lockwood on lead guitar. It was issued in January of 1955.
Sonny Burgess, the great Sun rockabilly singer mastered the art of sounding inebriated on such killer discs as Red Headed Woman b/w We Wanna Boogie (Sun 247, 1956), and Ain't Got A Thing b/w Restless (Sun 253, 1957). Oddly enough, like Elvis he was a teetotaler. Sam Phillips couldn't get a hit with Burgess' magnificent voice, so in the wake of the mega smash Raunchy he tried Burgess out as an instrumental artist issuing his tune called
Thunderbird backed with the slow groove Itchy (Sun 304, 1958). Much confusion has ensued over the years since virtually every copy pressed had the labels reversed! The fast song is Thunderbird. Itchy is the slow, Link Wray style side. Issued under Burgess' name, it's something of an early supergroup with Billy Lee Riley providing the harmonica and Charlie Rich tickling the ivories. James Van Eaton who played on all the Jerry Lee Lewis and Billy Lee Riley Sun sides is on the drums. He was one of the great unsung heroes of Sun Records (dig the way he propels Jerry Lee on his early Sun discs). That's Sonny's autograph on the label pictured above, he signed it when he came out to my radio show in the early nineties. Sonny's a heck of a nice man, and one of the greatest rockers of all, in my opinion.
On the Ermine label is a group called the Thunderbirds who are almost certainly not the guys performing the Thunderbird Twist heard above, but this oddball instro-mental--
Stalkin' The Thunderbird was issued in 1962 and that's about all I can tell you about it.
In this era of economic collapse I'm sure we're going to see a lot less Cristal and a lot more Thunderbird in the alcoholic intake of musicians, and while it may be vile tasting stuff, it surely inspires better music than fine champagne. This I know is true.
ADDENDUM TO YESTERDAY'S POST: Comedy writer/producer/archivist and all around genius Eddie Gorodetsky sent a version of
Thunderbird by Slim Gaillaird from a Dot LP which I've never heard before and it's so incredible I just had to add it.
Check out these lyrics: "
What's the word/Thunderbird/what's price?/thirty twice/what's the flavor?/Ask your neighbor/what's the reaction?/Satisfaction/Who drinks the most?/Us colored folks!" Talk about having a way with words! Thanks Eddie, you're the best. And thank you Slim Gaillard in heaven-a-roonie.
ADDENDUM TO THE ADDENDUM: Reader KevanA pointed out that I used to play the Nitecaps (of Wine Wine Wine fame) version of Thunderbird on my radio show quite often. That version, which is great, slipped my mind when I was writing the above. It can be found
here. Thanks Kev....
Don't mind at all. Anytime. Thanks for the leg up. You have quite a flock of birds populating this here post (Never heard the Hal Page tune before).
I must say, 'Thunderbird' is the worse drunk (Mean drunk), but 'Night Train' takes the taco for the worst hangover. I've had some good headaches , but I never felt my brain trying to escape through my eye before.
Speaking of eyes, I'll keep my orbs peeled for another copy of 'Thunderbird Twist'(Still on the lookout for a spare disc of 'Ritual')
Thanks, I'll keep my eye peeled for Hal Paige's T-Bird.
I used it on a quasi boot I compiled years ago called Juke Block Busters, if you don't have a copy of that lemme know and I'll send you one...
Great post. D'you know bumwine.com? Read all about the history of Thunderbird here:
What's the word?
Some funny stuff here, especially the Bird and Trane joke. That was worth a buck, young blood.
BTW, that "professor / young blood" thing reminds me of a story I heard about Jim Jarmusch and Luc Sante walking down a NYC street one Halloween. A guy yelled out, "Look at them! They're dressed up as Billy Idol and Danny DeVito!"
Hey Hound, I've got JBB Vol 2. Did you compile that, as well?
Yeah, I did three volumes actually w/Birdman (see Clinton Heylin's Bootleg for his bio). There was Jook Block Busters Vol. 1 and 2 and then an instrumental volume called R&B vs. Rock'n'Roll, all on the Valmor label.
The were kinda of The Hound's Greatest Hits from stuff I'd played on the radio show that hadn't been re-issued at that point. Later Get Hip re-bootlegged 'em from the vinyl onto CD.
I also co-curated the Blowin' Through Yokahama LP on the Atomic Passion label (available from Norton). Don't tell anyone, I know you all can keep a secret....
Found a copy of "Thunderbird Twist" on Delta a few years back at a flea market. My copy is beat to hell but what a great record! Redboy is the only other guy I've ever seen yack about it.
Hound - I thought I heard this version in your archives by The Nightcaps. From 1960 on the Vandan label.
Yr right, forgot about that version.From their Wine Wine Wine LP on Vandan. The Nightcaps drummer's son used to work for me as a bouncer. They were gonna reform and play the Lakeside but one of 'em got sick and died. I'm sure I'll keep coming up with versions of Thunderbird that I forgot yesterday for the next six months, it's one of those tunes that's hard to fuck up. ZZ Top also cut a version on Fandango....anyway, the folks out there can download the Nightcaps rendition of it from your link, thanks much.-- Das Hund
don't let the red boy fool ya'll, he drinks wine coolers...
"don't let the red boy fool ya'll, he drinks wine coolers..."
He should market his own brand of caffeinated wine cooler (" Red Boy! For when you have to drink and drive...!").
I once over heard an amazing soliloquy about the advantages of wine coolers over champ-ale at the old Liquors Of Distinction in East Orange (which burned down in one of the most glorious fires I've ever witnessed). It went something like-- "Now
champ-ale you got gold and you got pink, but coolers you got all kindsa flavors-- passion fruit,
raspberry, orange, you name it".
Ahhh...but does he still live w/ his mother? Now that is the question!
Bartels & James 4 Eva!!!
me and bruce are more of the seagrams kind of guys!
"me and bruce are more of the seagrams kind of guys!"
Keep in mind Seagrams heir Edgar Brofman Jr. has done more damage to the music biz than any ten idiots put together. If ever a music exec was begging for a beating it is Jr. On the bright side his ego has cost his family something like 30 billion dollars.....
"Keep in mind Seagrams heir Edgar Brofman Jr. has done more damage to the music biz than any ten idiots put together."
Ironic, considering Bruce Willis' crimes against the blues.
Thunderbird or Night Train - I read the approach to marketing was to strew broken bottles (labels intact) in the gutters of city streets.
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