In March of '58 Trammell cut his second single, this time Robinson issued it first on Fabor then re-issued it on the Radio subsidiary shortly after. Both sides are excellent--You Mostest Girl b/w Uh Oh, the a side being the more rocking of the two. So far, so good, and soon Bobby Lee Trammell was booked on the Louisiana Hayride, the regional radio show broadcast from Shreveport, Louisiana, where Elvis got his start. Unfortunately the Hayride hated him, booking agent Tillman Franks called him "downright vulgar" and "ten times worse than Elvis". His stint with the Hayride was cut short. When Farbor Robinson sold Trammell's contact to the Warrior label-- his next disc-- Woe Is Me b/w Open Up Your Heart was issued in 1959, rockabilly was not longer tearing up the charts back then but Trammell was not the type to give up easy. He returned to Arkansas and began recording for Terry Gordon's small group of label, highlights include Hi Ho Silver b/w Been A Walking (Vaden) in 1960, and a re-recorded version of You Mostest Girl that appeared on Skyla.
1961 saw two singles on the Alley label-- Arkansas Twist b/w It's All Your Fault
and Come On Baby b/w I Tried Not To Cry. The a side was a twist version of Arkansas Stomp, the b-side a Jimmy Reed style rocker. The second single featured a Chuck Berry type rocker on the top deck and a "crying" ballad (i.e., Bobby breaks down in sobs at the end) on the flip. Neither met which much success, even when Bobby took to climbing the tower of the radio stations that refused to play his records. Atlanta even issued an LP--Arkansas Twist.
At one point in Arkansas he destroyed Jerry Lee Lewis' piano which resulted in being black balled from the southern rock'n'roll touring circuit.
He kept cutting records, for smaller and smaller labels. 1962 saw a good one called - Sally Twist b/w Carolyn on Atlanta.
Rockabilly was way past its heyday but Trammel kept plugging, donning a Beatle wig he took to calling himself "the first American Beatle". Desperate for a hit, he cut some truly strange and wonderful discs-- Bobby Needs Love from the Arkansas Twist LP is an excellent What'd I Say style rocker. Toolie Froolie from '66 on the Hot label is a whacked out Surfin' Bird take off. The crazed New Dance In France was issued twice in 1966- first on Atlanta, then on Sims, both versions sunk without a trace, but a great record it is.
Bobby Lee Trammell kept plugging away, he cut country discs, including a remake of You Mostest Girl, then moved into an even sleazier branch of show business when he ran for and won a seat in the Arkansas State Senate. He developed a following in Europe among Teddy Boys and collectors and in the 80's he toured Europe where, ever the excitable performer he broke his wrist jumping on the piano (and missing). Back in the Arkansas, he served in the State Senate until 2002. At this point he'd given up singing, afraid it would ruin his career in politics.
He passed away on Feb. 20. 2008, in Jonesboro, his hometown.
I also like his "Treat Her Right" rip "Mayonnaise." Good combo organ and sorta mush-mouthed vocals on that one.
"Uh Oh" was covered by Francoise Hardy as "Oh Oh Cheri". Does that make it a "New Dance in France" ?
"Does that make it a "New Dance in France"
Only when done horizontally
Great post, as always. Speaking of BLT covers - Clyde Stacy's version of "I Sure Do Love You Baby" is another great one, maybe better than the original. And when Sun madman Jimmy Wages was dug up and toured Europe in the 80's, he included a rippin' "Arkansas Stomp" in his set!
Offcourse they make scanners for LP's..!
Look for A3++ or A2 scanners,but these are a bit more professional,and so not cheap.
But I thinka a A4 with scan&stich program works also.
What I do is photograph the LP's outside on bright white cardboard or mat board,then I use a really good camera/lens I'm liking the Sony a350 camera a lot these days,I photograph the items as close as I can go,with auto focus,and then I make sure it's a bright day outside and do it.Careful when aiming the camera so that it's even with the object your taking a picture of. (like even edges-less likely to have to crop it then)
Then take out the compact flash card(so easy-holds a lot of pictures) and stick it right into the computer and viola, nice pics! Then I edit them via
photo shop and it's not that hard to do,once you've had someone show you how. It's not so bad. You get better as time goes by,and you learn new things. Plus you can photograph larger books,posters for your blog,dog.
Stephanie/mojo repair shop
True comment about the scanners, and who has $600 or more for a scanner that can do large format at home (or the room for such a large device)?
I have to scan each corner then overlay them in photoshop. The results are excellent, but it takes far too much time.
I'll have to try the photo technique now that I have a good camera.
Pretty effective information, lots of thanks for the article.
A lot of helpful data for myself!
Thank you for the article, very worthwhile material.
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